aesop rock

Ground Control Magazine’s Year in Review 2024

Did you see those other “best of” lists? Cringe-worthy, right? They either missed the mark entirely, or picked obvious boring choices, or just simply have shit taste. Not here, though. We might not have listened to EVERYTHING this year, but we listened to a lot, and as always we have the cream of the crop here for your enjoyment. So, do yourself a favor, uninstall your Spotify, un-favorite your mainstream music website and check out some true highlights of the...

Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Vinyl Vlog 497

Aesop RockSpirit World Field Guide I remember the moment that the world of Hip Hop was opened to me. Years ago, I was interviewing Dillinger Four at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, talking to their bass player about music. He said something along the lines of mainstream rap being in a deplorable state; to the effect that standards and quality control didn’t exist anymore — in his opinion. Lucky for me, I had a rap aficionado friend who immediately approved of...

Sunday, 25 April 2021
Ground Control Magazine Year in Review 2020

What a year it’s been. No matter how it impacted you, it hit music, movies, and TV pretty hard too. Bands couldn’t tour, movies couldn’t be released in theatres, and TV shows stopped taping. That said, there were some great highlights that, although they came to our attention a little late in the year, we think were true gems that everyone should check out. And like every year, we seem to have the best recommendations out of any website. Glad...

Tuesday, 29 December 2020
Vinyl Vlog 407

Malibu Ken Selftitledphoto: Can we give it up for my main man Aesop Rock? Don’t worry, I’ll wait. Oh, you don’t know who he is? Well, shame on you. He’s one of the foremost examples of why rap music is still as exciting and relevant as it ever was, as long as you know where to find it. See, instead of these fakers, rapping about how much bullshit they have, how big they are, and how they’re better than...

Thursday, 02 January 2020
The Year in Music 2016

Let’s go ahead and call bullshit on the internet for trying to manufacture Shitty 2016 as a trend. This year was great for a number of reasons. One of these is the music that came out this year. New bands excelled and old ones outdid themselves. We apologize ahead of time for the lack of overlap with garbage other sites like Pitchfork are pushing. We can’t help it that we have better taste… Best albums of the year: 01. White...

Sunday, 01 January 2017
Aesop Rock – [Live]

Aesop Rock Paradise Rock Club – Boston, Massachusetts – June 17, 2016 I love Aesop Rock, and I love the sweaty shows he puts on at the Paradise in Boston (where I’ve seen him numerous times before). Of course there might be pandering to the crowd (“This is the best crowd of the tour!” he exclaims), but this is also the best I’ve ever seen Aesop Rock. I know now that the man focuses heavily on his newest album when...

Saturday, 18 June 2016