Thee Oh Sees An Odd Entrances There comes a point when we just have to draw a line in the sand and say, “This is too much!” I used to think John Dwyer’s Thee Oh Sees was such a prolific band that they’re not giving their audience enough time to properly digest...
OCS Memory of a Cut Off Head Let’s talk about Thee Oh Sees… sorry I mean Oh Sees… sorry I mean OCS. If you haven’t heard of them, you should. Not just because they’re scary prolific, but because they’re also responsible for some damn fine music. Not hurting...
Super Troopers Comic-Con 2015 I don’t think anyone thought they’d be saying this, but Super Troopers has aged like a fine wine. And how could anyone have predicted it? This movie suffers from some obvious setbacks, like being worshipped by the fraternity...
Vacationland: True Stories from Painful Beaches by John Hodgman I’ve had a confusing relationship with John Hodgman for years now. I’ve always like him on the Daily Show, and thought he was an insightful and witty guest on podcasts. However, when I got his trilogy...
The Matrix I’m sure I speak for boys and girls everywhere when I say that, being in high school and seeing the Matrix for the first time in theatres changed my life forever. Also, I should note that I grew up on a tiny island in the Caribbean where even movie...
A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the You’re Not Alone 2LP by Andrew W.K. An epiphany: since first appearing on the pop music radar in 2001 with the release of his debut album, I Get Wet, Andrew Wilkes-Krier has chased the idea and image of a perfect...
Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change by Noam Chomsky, C.J. Polychroniou It should be evident by our almost-unanimous praise of the Chomsky books we’ve reviewed on this site that we’re admirers of the man’s work. I won’t say...
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard With Mild High Club Sketches Of Brunswick East photo: In some ways, Sketches of Brunswick East is an album that left me more impressed with King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard than Murder of the Universe. The latter...
Endless Poetry ABKCO In the featurette for Endless Poetry there’s a plea by writer/director Alejandro Jodorowksy where he claims that he wants to undo modern filmmaking and instead make something that’s an artistic expression by its creator, a film that will stay...
El Topo Soundtrack Alejandro Jodorowksy photo: El Topo is the kind of movie that should be seen by everyone simply due to its historical significance. It’s one of those movies that has nothing to lose. Some will love it and become interested in its...