In The Red

Vinyl Vlog 625

OSEESIntercepted Message There comes a point when we just have to draw a line in the sand and say, “This is too much!” I used to think John Dwyer’s Thee Oh Sees/Oh Sees/OSEES was such a prolific band that they’re not giving their audience enough time to properly digest their musical output. I have my favorites in the catalog, of course, like Floating Coffin and Castlemania, but that’s only because those were some of my first tastes of this wonderful...

Monday, 27 November 2023
SPOTLIGHT: Intercepted Message

WHO: OSEES WHAT: Intercepted message WHY: The OSEES are an unstoppable monster. Every year, we are almost certainly graced with a new OSEES album and multiple John Dwyer projects. Although OSEES albums are always interesting and a welcome addition to any musical rotation, they tend to become a bit repetitive, monotonous and difficult to engage with. Intercepted Message is a breath of fresh air into their discrography by bringing a more synth-pop flavor to the songs and offering an easier...

Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Vinyl Vlog 567

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into The Great Confrontation 2LP by Chip Kinman. I confess that I had forgotten about The Dils until the opportunity to review the band’s Live! reissue came up. Not that I was unfamiliar with the band before (I remember discovering the band at the same time I came upon The Weirdos, The Bags, The Dickies and Fear in high school), they just sort of escaped my memory until the band’s Live! album got...

Monday, 03 October 2022