There is no doubt that the Oh Sees (formerly Thee Oh Sees, and now actually just OCs) are an unstoppable force. Releasing what seems like their 40th album this year and another one already announced, it’s important sometimes to step back and assess what you’re getting with this band because their catalog can easily meld together into a metropolis of music. With all this published material, what would front man John Dwyer choose to highlight in a live set? The...
I can’t remember the last time I saw a mosh pit at a show. And it’s not because I’m old or anything (although by punk standards I’m ancient), because I go to shows all the time. It must be the way things go in Boston because I’ve seen my fair share of “No Moshing” signs since moving to the city. I’ve almost begun to think they were a thing of past, until I saw Jeff Rosenstock at the Sinclair, because...
Brooks Wheelan Middle East – Cambridge, Massachusetts – May 7, 2016 Frequent readers of Ground Control (as you should be) know my love for Brooks Wheelan’s stand-up debut “This is Cool, Right?†We listen to a lot of records here on Ground Control and they just keep coming, but as of late, it’s becoming that stand-up albums are coming out faster than ever. On last year’s Best-of lists, I carved out a space for best Stand-Up album, and you can...