
Vinyl Vlog 456

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the “Blue” 7” by The Slackers. Within the context of political discourse, it has not been uncommon to see songs appear which promote one side of the proverbial aisle or the other (some musicians have based careers on it, in fact), but it has been a while since such an event occurred (at least, to this critic’s recollection). Because nature abhors a vacuum however, The Slackers have surfaced from their recent reissue...

Thursday, 22 October 2020
Ground Control’s Back to School Guide 2018

Ooooooooh! What’s this? Well, it’s your favorite Back to School guide, THAT’S WHAT! Dear readers, year after year, we’ve been giving the most in-depth coverage of all the articles we think you’re gonna want for the next school year and this time around it’s no different. How is it that we can sort through all the noise to bring you just the creme of the crop out of the slew of pretend-swag out there? We don’t know. We must have...

Thursday, 02 August 2018
TV Party Tonight! 014

Ollie Ottoman delves into the new Blu-Ray release of Hail Caesar! by the Coen Brothers.

 Ever noticed how Coen brothers movies tend to alternate in the impact they make? The Big Lebowski didn’t really catch on when it was released, but O Brother Where Art Thou is one of the most celebrated films in moviedom. No one really talks about the follow-up Intolerable Cruelty after that, but No Country For Old Men was highly visible at the Oscars. Same with...

Friday, 17 June 2016
Vinyl Vlog 120

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the vinyl reissue of  …With His Hot Blue Guitar! by Johnny Cash. Johnny Cash with His Hot Blue Guitar! is a tough album to discuss in 2016 because, honestly, what can we say about Johnny Cash and his music which hasn’t been said countless times already? The man had an incredible impact on world culture and his music is such a big part of American culture that it’s simply embedded in its...

Tuesday, 09 February 2016