blu ray

TV Party Tonight! #96

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 What can I possibly say about Star Trek that hasn’t been said already. If you don’t know what it is, get a clue and get on board. I was very late to the party but have gone very deep. Star Trek is a warm fuzzy place I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave. For a franchise that has done so much over so many years the idea of a Lower Decks show...

Thursday, 17 June 2021
TV Party Tonight! #90

Back to the Future: The Ultimate Trilogy Can you think of a more iconic, feel good, action packed, gripping and hilarious trilogy than Back to the Future? People like to remind you that Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but I like to remind people that this is a sci fi movie, and perhaps one of the most successful ones. The reason why people forget it’s a sci-fi movie is because Back to the Future has so much...

Friday, 08 January 2021
TV Party Tonight! #89

The Hobbit: The Motion Picture Trilogy 4K Blu-rayExtended & Theatrical / 4K Ultra HD + Digital HD We are extremely happy to be covering Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth movies here on TV Party Tonight and after considering the order, we decided that talking about the Hobbit trilogy would be the easiest place to start, only because there’s so much more to talk about, and in our case, defend. After the massive success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, both...

Sunday, 03 January 2021