WHO: The Fleshies WHAT: Introducing The Fleshies WHY: It’s hard to believe that the Fleshies have been gone for 10 years, but 10 seconds into this album and it’s clear why this band is as vital now as ever. Introducing the Fleshies is quite a misnomer for a band who’s been around for almost 20 years but it’s just as gripping as anything I’ve heard from them. It’s fiery, melodic, intense, and raw, and will have you in disbelief at...
Forest Gump 25th Anniversary 4k/Blu-ray combo Boy, Forest Gump hit me like a ton of bricks. Even though we’re celebrating (well, I’m sure SOMEONE is celebrating) its 25th anniversary, I only saw it for the first time like 10 years ago. And that’s because the movie was so inescapable, I felt like I already knew it. I had seen clips, scenes had been described to me and in conversations and the movie had been quoted so often that I felt...
We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook by Adrian Kulp Child-rearing! An event rarely experienced or written about. This book is a first! No of course not, but if you think that books for parents-to-be are probably more woman-centric then you would be very right. Of course there are books detailing the developmental process which should be something that interests both parents, but since the baby is inside the mother, it only makes sense to talk about what changes...
Venture Bros: Season 7 Let’s back up a second and talk about why the Venture Brothers is arguably the best show on TV right now. First of all, because The Sopranos is over, obviously. Second, because the proof is in the pudding and the Venture Brothers is mighty tasty pudding. Watching the Venture Brothers is a delight for many reasons. Not just that Doc Hammer and Jackson Public have created a show so perfectly immersed in its world that...
A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Wheeltappers and Shunters LP by Clinic. Speaking as a father, I can tell you that a lot of things can change in seven years – in fact, it’s entirely possible that the whole world will will look completely different from one side of that duration to the other. It’s for that reason Clinic reappearing after seven years with an album of new music – seemingly without warning (other than appearing with...
A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Serfs Up! LP by Fat White Family. While I can safely say that I did enjoy Fat White Family’s sophomore album (Songs For Our Mothers) when I reviewed it in 2016, it proved to be for the wrong reasons. I liked it, but I missed the point (or at least I think I did); it wasn’t until I sunk a stylus into Serfs Up! – the London-based band’s third album –...
Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady (2019 Remaster – Domino Records)photo: turntablelab.com The Buzzcocks belong up there with the Clash and the Sex Pistols for contributing the most to the punk rock of the 70s. Sure the Damned belong there also, but they were never Buzzcocks-calibur in my book. And the Sex Pistols are the Sex Pistols but there’s no denying what a similarly overrated and underrated album Nevermind the Bollocks is. And the Clash? They’re just untouchable. There can be no...
They Live – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack LP by John Carpenter There was a time where I regretted being a late bloomer for pop culture. It seemed like whenever I discovered a movie series, or writer, or band, or TV show that had been revered at one point or another I would beat myself up for not knowing about it sooner. Chalk it up to having high standards. But as I get older I’m starting to cherish those moments when...
Photos by Brittany...
AnacondaMill Creek Entertainment What is it about 90s bad movies that make them so watchable? Well, let’s look at Anaconda and see if we can decipher this mystery. And before you mock it, know that it was HUGE blockbuster hit, making 130 million on its 30 million budget. I know I thought the movie was amazing when it came out. OK, NOW you can mock it. For starters, Anaconda features some heavy hitters like Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson, and...