In this new age that has found established acts returning to their own beginnings and issuing remastered/remixed/re-envisioned/restructured/reconstituted/refurbished/re-packaged renditions of their time-honored and revered catalogue, one has to wonder what the auteurs ACTUALLY think of their own work. While many of the new sets from John Lennon, The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix (there are more, but this review isn't a shopping list) sound pretty cool, both common sense and aged wisdom dictate that, “if it ain't broke, don't fix...
Awright so ya went an' done it, Didja miss out on the "las' chance ta download SWAG Reports one through ten" housecleaning that was done? Sucker. There ain'no second chances they're gone now baby, solid gone an' dead as disco. You can content'cherself wit' everything after part eleven – but it's a good thing I got a bunch o' new stuff right 'ere innit? Yeah, tha's right, I gotta brand spankin' new bag o' SWAG for ya right 'ere, an'...
Some explanations just defy immediate understanding and, in those moments when you hear them, you can't help but ask for them to be repeated – even if you did indeed hear them clearly. It's almost as though your mind trips over its' own feet from word one isn't it? Odds are that hearing someone explain Daniel Lanois' new project, Black Dub, will be like that for most people. Don't think so? Read the following description: “So Daniel Lanois – you...
It's been a long time coming but, with distribution finally settled and all other outstanding nonsense ironed out, Josh Homme and Rekords Rekords have announced that Queens Of The Stone Age will be reissuing its' seminal, self-titled debut on January 11, 2011 with distribution being handled by Ipecac Recordings/Fontana. Direct from the press release: The track listing for Queens of the Stone Age, a reissue of Queens of the Stone Age's critically-lauded 1998 self-titled debut, reflects the band's original vision...
The beautiful thing about irony in music is that, when it's done just right, the thematic ambiguity it can imply is infectious for some and will leave others turned right off – and the difference all boils down to an individual listener's sensibilities. It's really all about taste; one man's trash is another man's treasure and how a listener regards any particular record (but especially those which use irony as a key ingredient) depends entirely upon the values that a...
There are few propositions quite so dicey as those which attempt to crossbreed another musical style with metal. Why? The grim truth is that metal does not play well with others; while the initial results might be really cool, every band that has attempted to cross a Top 40-identified sound with metal has begun to flounder creatively as they try to figure out what to do next. The spent corpses left behind in the ongoing quest to find some sort...
Alright, so a couple of die-hard super-fans have already begun to publicly complain that, while the recent John Lennon remaster initiative claims to be an 'extensive' or 'complete' endeavor, there are a few things missing. "What could possibly be missing," you ask? A bunch of things – according to those die-hard-ests making the biggest noise. According to the true-blue few, in addition to the bonus tracks that were "unearthed" and appended to those reissues of Rock 'N' Roll, Plastic Ono...
After thirty years of time between, some perspective is required in order to understand the circumstances around Double Fantasy's original release. When the album appeared in late 1980, it was Lennon's first full-length record of new material in six years. Six years, for those keeping score, was the longest period of time between albums (by far) for the singer since he first appeared in the public eye with The Beatles in 1963. During that hiatus, history books say that Lennon...
Happy 30th folks,Wow – this is gettin' a little ridickulous – I'm still gettin' away with this shit! Maybe the biz has decided this could work – that guys like me givin' stuff away might help 'em sell somethin' or somethin'. That'd be somethin' wouldn't it? That'd make me quite the dupe, but the upside izzat I gotta bunch o' stuff ta lay on ya again'is week. Haddaya like 'at junkie? Trollin' aroun'is week, I found some good, good stuff,...