
From the opening moments of her new album Blessed, it is clear that Lucinda Williams has some spring back in her step. That's not to say that she ever "lost it" – both 2006's West and 2008's Little Honey had some great moments – but Blessed is definitely a more consistent and inspired effort. It's tempting to say that Blessed is her best album since her 1998 breakthrough, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road, because it delivers as consistently as...

Sunday, 13 March 2011

It's incredible how times and practices in pop and rock music have changed over the years, but it's also lamentable to see and hear an increasing abandonment of subtlety in the form. There was a time when many bands subscribed to the idea that the notes left un-played were as important as those included in a song. Some vacant spaces left in a song or a sparer air could cause a listener's own mind to fill in the gaps and...

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Congratulations junky, I didn't know you was gettin' married! Oh whazzat? Yer not? Christ on a rubber crutch, yed think you were wit' the primo bag o' gifts I got 'ere. This week has been great so far, an' lemme tell ya why… First, I gotcher new Urge Overkill tune, "Effigy." C'n you fuckin' believe it?! They got a new reckid comin' out this year! Their first in somethin' like fifteen! An' trust me – if the whole reckid is...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

As much fun as it can be to over-intellectualize a musician's growth and evolution from album to album, sometimes the changes that occur between points A and B in an artist's output are simply natural developments. The differences which exist between Daniel Romano's Workin' For The Music Man (released last year) and this year's Sleep Beneath The Willow are a perfect example of that; having taken a short break from his main squeeze, Attack In Black, the singer was inspired...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Inspiration. Dedication. Knowing what you are born to do. Skrillex’s second album (the first one was free) Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites was an encounter that showed these three things quite surely are still in existence on this planet. I went into the album knowing nothing about Sonny “Skrillex” Moore’s album. I was soon able to find out he was more Beiber than Will.i.Am. No, not from the perspective of the fever, but that both of these artists were born...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

The excitement is really beginning to turn up to a fever pitch in the Sick Of Sarah camp. The band's new album, 2205, is out and generating some positive press, the shows the band has played most recently have been getting better received and have been really well-attended and it has all really boosted morale in the band; all five members of the Minneapolis-based, all-girl rock band are laughing regularly and freely and, according to singer Abisha Uhl and bassist...

Wednesday, 09 March 2011

The title is, no surprise, ironic. Not that the songs on this record could never be popular, or sell; there is no attempt to write a blatant hook, but a number of the songs do end up being catchy. Nonetheless, it is obvious that they were not written with either goal in mind. They were, instead, written for that noblest of goals, to express the songwriter's feelings. A more accurate title (I almost said "better,” but, as a title, the...

Wednesday, 09 March 2011

The four years that have lapsed since Avril Lavigne released The Best Damn Thing and smashed the world over the head with another kiddie pop anthem (“Girlfriend”) have been an incredibly turbulent time for the singer. In 1460 days, Lavigne has been married, broken into Hollywood, been divorced, toured the world on the strength of The Best Damn Thing, founded a clothing line and a line of fragrances, started work on a new album a couple of times and been...

Monday, 07 March 2011

A recent article on FutureHit.DNA declared rock music to be, finally, dead. It wasn't a theoretical or aesthetic argument, but one based on sales figures and chart positions. It claims that not only does rock no longer dominate the charts (it hasn't done that in some time), but it barely exists there at this point. Granted, the article focused more on songs than albums, but the decline in sales that it outlined held true across the board. While some may...

Friday, 04 March 2011

After the demise of Shotgun & Jaybird in 2007, singer/guitarist “Shotgun” Jimmie Kilpatrick has managed to land on his feet and etch a pretty impressive mark on the Canadian underground (first with his 2007 solo debut, The Onlys, and then backed by Attack In Black for Still Jimmie in 2009) but, as reputable as he may have become now, it's clear in listening to Transistor Sister that the siren song of D.I.Y. alt-indie rock had been whispering to him again....

Friday, 04 March 2011