
The history of unlikely combinations is a lengthy and celebrated one for those with unusual tastes (peanut butter and cucumber, chocolate ice cream with lemon syrup on top and pizza with pepperoni, italian sausage and green olives are personal favorites), but few more bizarre and potentially disastrous musical combinations spring to mind than Lou Reed collaborating with Metallica. Seriously – the possibility of the premier auteur of such dry-eyed emotionally distant ballads as “Perfect Day,” “Walk On The Wild...

Friday, 02 September 2011

If any artist has earned the right to name a record Covering Ground, Chuck Ragan is deserving of that honor, with hundreds of thousands of miles covered over nearly the last two decades. Set for release on September 13th, Covering Ground is singer/songwriter Chuck Ragan’s third full-length studio record, though he has released seemingly countless singles, 7-inches, live records, collaborative splits, and appeared on numerous compilations. Ragan will be covering ground this Fall in support of the record with tour...

Thursday, 01 September 2011

Awright junky,So I'm gonna break da news a little early an' steal a little bit o' ol' fi' dollar Billy's thunder. I gotta email from 'im the otha day sayin' that he's gettin' married inna coupla weeks. First, I wanna say congratulations to 'im an', second, I gotta know what he doused her with – after all, bein' a music pusher like me is one thing, but no girl in her right mind marries a writer. But good lick to...

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

It's instantly attention-grabbing and captivating when a musician takes a different approach to an established paradigm and that's exactly what Patti Smith has done with Outside Society. Historically, the rules and/or commonly held values for best-of compilations are sinple: Establish the artist's importance with the string of blockbuster hits they've had over the years. Throw in a few “artist favorites” to let the auteur have their say in the structure of the release. Most recently, remaster the songs included and...

Monday, 29 August 2011

Peter Hook will be playing Joy Division’s 1980 final album Closer in its entirety at San Francisco’s Mezzanine on September 17, 2011. The former Joy Division and New Order bassist will be appearing with his band The Light and, at select venues, will be performing the landmark Unknown Pleasures which was released in 1979. With two seminal albums such as these, it’s a hard call to decide which show to see given that both are such essential chapters in the...

Monday, 29 August 2011

Public Assembly isn’t the biggest venue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It's not even the biggest venue on the block – so it can be forgotten, sometimes. Here’s a tip: don’t sleep on it. You could end up as one of the few lonely strangers who get to see a hyper-talented band play whatever song you request, as was the case when the Wave Pictures hit the stage a few weeks ago. Seriously, they were taking requests from the audience. It was...

Monday, 29 August 2011

Hey – remember when the Red Hot Chili Peppers were the most fun in rock? Between fifteen and twenty-five years ago, RHCP was absolutely outrageous – they'd slap socks on their cocks while gibbering “Those fuckers are red hot” and dance like Iggy Pop while standing in line at a coffee shop and plan uplifting mofo parties while on camera with Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas and Dana Carvey just for kicks. It was great but, as...

Sunday, 28 August 2011

While there's little doubt that tween-age kids will probably flock to the pop-aggressive sounds that I Set My Friends On Fire have concocted on Astral Rejection, it's also hard to not feel like every single, solitary micro-tone of the album flies in the face of every tenet that punk rock has held dear for decades. Remember how punk of every stripe used to work? It was simple: Write some songs (the length of which was irrelevant). Get them on tape,...

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Now fifteen years after the band first formed and seven albums after they released Goddamnit and showed listeners that (unlike so many other forms of pop music) punk rock could be dark without being dirge-y, Alkaline Trio has already made an indelible mark on punk, but nothing lasts forever. That isn't meant to sound like critical commentary, it's just common sense; because their music is an inherently youthful form, punk musicians can only stick to one artistic base for so...

Saturday, 27 August 2011

It's unfortunate how rockabilly music has become increasingly reliant upon outside sounds and cliches to keep it looking even passably vital as time and trends have passed. Like some kind of parasite, rockabilly will attach itself to another kind of music (rock, punk, hardcore and the soundtracks to horror movies have all been previous victims) and sycophantically leach its essence until there's nothing usable left to take, and then move on to another victim. Nothing really changes and rockabilly hasn't...

Saturday, 27 August 2011