A present life worth accounting for makes living in the past a mistake. Entertaining as it can be, I often cringe when a night out is taken up more with conversation about humorous glories-gone-by than any attempt to create some new ones. Apparently, Steve Albini...
After five years and two albums spent trying to streamline its cinematic sound into a form that both audiences and the band itself were comfortable with (the results were entertaining, but very, very mixed), Ohbijou's sound and style have seemed to fall into grace...
Awrightcha mooks,So here we go, everybody's back an' we're movin' now. I guess fi' dollar Billy hadda good time gettin' hitched, but I almos' didn' make it back – las' time I got a SWAG Report done, I was onna move cuz, I did...
A Band Of Bees – "I Really Need Love"https://groundcontrolmag.com/music/SWAG77A_Band_Of_Bees-I_Really_Need_Love.mp3 A Band Of Bees – "Winter Rose"https://groundcontrolmag.com/music/SWAG77A_Band_Of_Bees-Winter_Rose.mp3 And So I Watch From...
Over the last couple of decades (pretty much since LPs began to lose ground in popularity to cassettes, and then even more so when CDs came along), the process of a band creating an involving “experience” for listeners to enjoy has really fallen from favor....
Over the years, plenty of bands have indulged in mind-expanding substances and their music has duly reflected it with vibes of “methodical otherness” radiating from the results (see Butthole Surfers, 13 th Floor Elevators, Pink Floyd and even Queens Of The...
In the way of a brief notice:After taking a three-week break (the longest in some of the Ground Control staff's respective careers) for Editor-In-Chief Bill Adams' honeymoon, Ground Control is now once again firing on all cylinders. During the break, Bill...
Playing in a big town with some indie credibility is a blessing because people will actually pack a club on a Sunday at 10:00 p.m. to see your gig. It was Yuck’s first headlining show in Toronto and although there was an obvious appreciation for them (why else...
Uh oh, are bassists in trouble? The White Stripes, No Age and even Yeah Yeah Yeahs didn’t use one and those are considerably some of the most innovative bands of this generation. It's obvious the bass has been gradually phased out of indie rock songwriting...
Darkness is a funny thing. Sometimes it can be filled with emptiness and despair but, if you look hard enough, it can also contain a wink of hope and elements of profound beauty. Over the years, many, many bands have tried to create dark music and most have failed,...