At present, there are few if any critics who will pan Queen, and the respect shown to the band is justified. At a time in history when rock was very interested in bombast (see Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Alice Cooper – to name only...
Tell the same story often enough, and eventually one of two things will happen: either it'll start to sound new and fresh again or it's going to be a complete bore. It might present itself as boring for the obvious reason that you've heard the chronicle of...
asdfasdfdasfd asdfsadfasdf asdfasd asdf asdf asdf asdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdf asd fasd...
It's absolutely bizarre that The Darkness are back. It's even more bizarre to be a fan, actually. I wonder sometimes why I bother with a band that seems to be so much more about style than substance. The truth is, The Darkness are more than just style. Style is...
It's absolutely bizarre that The Darkness are back. It's even more bizarre to be a fan, actually. I wonder sometimes why I bother with a band that seems to be so much more about style than substance. The truth is, The Darkness are more than just style. Style is...
POUZZA FEST, one of the year’s most exciting events for lovers of punk rock music, will be held in the heart of Montreal on May 18, 19 and 20. Pouzza Fest is a gathering of more than 170 bands performing at six different venues located within a few blocks of each...
It's hard to think of a more influential individual in the Southern Ontario (that's south of Toronto) music scene than Steve Stumble. Since first appearing as a member of The Sick Boys in the mid-Nineties, Stumble has established himself as a fixture in the...
“The genesis of Hollows and Rounds came from my admiration of the baroque pop of the late sixties and seventies,” says Chris McDuffie of Whitejacket. While the former keyboardist for Elephant 6 leaders The Apple in stereo claims the influence of many...
Hey ya funky junky monkey,Sorry, I ben listenin' to a lotta da Beastie Boys over da last couple o' days. So how's tricks, ya reprobates! How's things in yer life? Things're goin' great fer me, an' I think this week's SWAG Report proves...