A deeper look at the grooves pressed into a vinyl copy of Diamond Dogs by David Bowie. While it might not sound like the greatest endorsement of an album’s quality or of the creative foresight possessed by an artist on the surface, the adage that Diamond Dogs...
Harrow County, Vol. 1: Countless Haints by Cullen Bunn & Tyler Crook I knew from reading Cullen Bunn’s book The Sixth Gun that the man knows how to put a story together. Harrow County is no different. And just like the Sixth Gun, this book knows how to play to...
March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, & Nate Powell The March series is one of those books that shows how comics are an art form to be taken seriously. I’m happy to see also that it’s getting the attention it deserves, hopefully because...
Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life Vol. 1 Hardcover by Bryan Lee O’Malley It’s about time we highlight Scott Pilgrim in this column. Simply because it’s one of the best comic book series ever written. Throughout the series, Bryan Lee...
WHO: TOYS THAT KILL WHAT: SENTIMENTAL WARD WHY: Front man and Recess Records Grand Poobah Todd Congelliere has been churning out the hot punk riffs for decades now with his own brand of skate punk rock. After a short hiatus, the boys are back at it with their new full...
Savages Adore Life I have to say that I am impressed with Savages. Sure, when they appeared on Stephen Colbert I was a little blown away, but the fact that they chose to play Adore was even more surprising. Savages aren’t exactly easy listening, you know...
The Story of My Tits by Jennifer Hayden It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly makes Jennifer Hayden’s book The Story of my Tits so beautiful. Perhaps it’s the art itself which is childlike and charming, perhaps it’s the fact that she managed to fit so much story...
OBN III’s Worth a Lot of Money My relationship with the OBNII’s is complicated. I saw them open for Ex-Cult in Boston several years ago, and I’ll be damned if they didn’t steal the show. With a sound that I can only describe as Led...
Socialism . . . Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation by Danny Katch “Socialism… Seriously” might be a small book, but boy is it powerful. Unfortunately , ever since I decided to bone up on my Socialist/Communist/Anarchist literature I’ve...
On Power and Ideology: The Managua Lectures by Noam Chomsky I have been fascinated with the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua ever since learning about it from the Clash and reading Stephen Kinzer’s book Blood of Brothers. Can I admit that I really...