SPOTLIGHT: Tentative Decisions

SPOTLIGHT: Tentative Decisions

Monday, 19 September 2016

WHO: Mikey Erg

WHAT: Tentative Decisions

WHY: It’s about time you found out that Mikey Erg is probably playing drums for your favorite band, or he has in the past, or he probably will be in the future. Step aside, Josh Freese, there’s a new go-to punk rock drummer in town.

The Man (yes, we’re going to capitalize that for Mr. Erg), has been a punk rock institution for years. He’s fronted the wonderful Ergs!, he drums for the LLC on the Chris Gethard show, Star Fucking Hipsters and Worriers among others. But if that weren’t (wasn’t?) enough, the man is a fantastic songwriter and this year we are blessed with his solo debut. Full of his trademark punk rock love songs and heartfelt anthems, Tentative Decisions has Mikey himself on all instruments and Jeff Rosenstock producing. What’s not to love! Punks can cry too, you know?


Get it from those badass mofos at Don Giovanni!

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