
Awrightchu worthless junkies youse,I dunno who you ben talkin' to, but I feel like I've had a tail on me ova da las' little while. I's like, everywhere I go, i's hard findin' stuff thit fell offa da back o' music industry trucks! You wound'know anything about that, wouldja junky? Cuz if you did, well, that'd be a real shame fer youse. So le's keep ya right, awright? Dummy up an' nothin' bad's gonna happen. Inna meantime, I do got...

Friday, 15 February 2013

Sometimes the best way to see and hear things refreshed is to get out of your comfort zone for s minute. It might sound trite, but it's true; if you take a chance and get out from under the potentially stifling veil of what you know, you may be lucky enough to discover a whole new, vivid and exciting unknown to revel in. That's the chance I took when I put Boats' third album, “A Fairway Full Of Miners”, on...

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

After their first listen to Masked Intruder's self-titled debut, everyone will find themselves asking breathlessly, “Who were those masked men?” Masked Intruder is, very simply, a perfect and instantly gratifying reminder of all that was great about the “songs about girls” craze which overtook punk rock in the 1990s; strains of the instantly memorable, heart-on-their-sleeves lyric sheets that Chad Price and Bill Stevenson were writing for ALL merge perfectly with some snotty, nasal and heart-wrenching vocal melodies...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

"Then there’s Pete Didn’t want no fameSo he gave all his money awayThere’s something wrongHe tried to be strongSo they certified him insane.” – “Jail Guitar Doors” by The Clash Oh, dear reader, the sacrifices I make for you. Lately, I've been subjecting myself to repeated listens of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, one of the least deserving mega-hit albums of all time, just so I can explain to you why it sucks so badly. Seriously, when I was first offered this...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Sometimes the reason why a record turns out to be incredibly difficult to like is because some of it is just so good – but some of it is just so not. That, in short, is the great hindrance to the success of The Bronx' fourth album; some of the album's twelve songs qualify as the knock-down, drag-out best tunes that the band has ever written and they're bolstered by some of the best playing they've ever committed to tape....

Saturday, 09 February 2013

Since forming six years ago and immediately allying themselves with the indie music scene, Hollerado has seemed to go out of their way to see just how far the envelope can be pushed before they finally tear it apart completely. When the music business was interested in seeing just how novel it could make an album without letting it lapse into the realm of complete parody (this was when labels like EMI tried developing two-piece cardboard “CD cases” called “enviro-cases,”...

Friday, 08 February 2013

Speaking as a confirmed critic of just about everything My Morning Jacket has ever affixed its name to, I must confess that I really wasn't expecting much from singer Jim James' new solo album (his third), Regions Of Light And Sound Of God. I mean, when your main band is already riding a polished and shiny re-imagining of everything that was hippy, dippy, trippy and folky about the 1960s and '70s and your first side project (Monsters Of Folk) is...

Friday, 08 February 2013

Awright fall in, ya junkies,How're things wi't youse? Me? I'm doin' good, butcha wouldn' know it by da lightness o' my bag o' SWAG dis week. I only scored fifteen tunes fer youse ta sample dis time! The upside izzat ther all pretty good. Firs' , I gotcher mainstay thrills like Aesop Rock, Low ann'a Stars – ya know, da bands'at everybody knows I scored a new tour EP from Stars, a new remix from Aesop Rock ann'a song from...

Wednesday, 06 February 2013

It's unusual to actually be able to see a change in a band's fortunes coming, but one listen to Magneta Lane's WitchRock EP will show those who hear it that great things are on the horizon for the Toronto-based trio. That isn't meant to imply that good fortunes haven't visited the band before – Magneta Lane's first two albums and EPs saw the band rise brilliantly out of the Toronto scene as a great live act and able songwriters –...

Tuesday, 05 February 2013

With Come Cry With Me, Daniel Romano's transition from the punky songwriter he once was to the County & Western troubadour he's worked so hard to become is as complete as the Seventies “glam country” era suit the singer is sporting on the album's cover. On this record, all the turns and (occasionally awkward) growth periods that the singer had to go through since putting his band Attack In Black into stasis are suddenly validated; true, Workin' For The Music...

Tuesday, 05 February 2013