tv party tonight

TV Party Tonight! #34

Get Out It’s an absolute joy to write about Get Out, and for too many reasons to get into really. But if I could highlight one thing in particular it’s that Get Out is a movie that lives up to the hype. Unfortunately, sites like Rotten Tomatoes have served less as an accurate gauge of a movie and more as another example of rating inflation. Wonder Woman had some OK moments and holds a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes....

Monday, 17 July 2017
TV Party Tonight! 026

The Autopsy of Jane Doe   They say we live in a new golden age of television, and I think that might be true. But the same is the case for movies. Mostly because writers and directors have more freedom and, for once, independent TV and movies are being given the recognition they deserve. And nothing stands out from Hollywood schlock like a fresh story.   The Autopsy of Jane Doe has to be one of the best movies I’ve...

Friday, 12 May 2017
TV Party Tonight! 019

Adventure Time The Complete Seasons 5 and 6   Adventure Time is one of those shows I went into with a lot of hesitation. With the thorough infantilization of pop culture nowadays — Yo Gabba Gabba, the Ninja Turtles and their “comeback,” the resurrection and long-stagnant comic book hero movie, Transformers (as only children can find something worthwhile in those movies), Stranger Thing — one wonders whether adults watch these shows because they are actually good, or because they...

Thursday, 20 October 2016
TV Party Tonight! 017

Venture Bros.: The Complete Sixth Season   Let’s back up a second and talk about why the Venture Brothers is arguably the best show on TV right now. First of all, because Breaking Bad is over, obviously. Second, because the proof is in the pudding and the Venture Brothers is mighty tasty pudding. Watching the Venture Brothers is a delight for many reasons. Not just that Doc Hammer and Jackson Public have created a show so perfectly immersed in...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016