Flaming Lips

Ground Control Magazine Year in Review 2020 part 2

For fear of overstating a tired point, it goes without saying that 2020 was a year unlike any other. Even if one were to overlook the obvious reasons why 2020 successfully put the “eek” in “unique,” any audiophile could tell you that this year was completely unlike any other; innumerable album releases were delayed or just flat-out cancelled...

Saturday, 09 January 2021
The Flaming Lips

Wayne Coyne is the greatest guy ever.* Just keep that bit of information in mind, it will make sense later. If you happen to be an audiophile and not completely blind, you may notice that the Flaming Lips are on the cover of tons of music magazines lately as they promote their latest album, At War with the Mystics. Like other Lips albums, Mystics is a milieu of soundscapes, weirdo lyrics, electro/acoustic embellishments, countrified signing and psychedelic titles. And I...

Monday, 30 October 2006