
Ground Control Magazine’s Year in Review 2023

Bam! What a year, am I right? It certainly has been one for me. Let’s not get into it, but I’m just glad to be here, you know? Happy to be bringing you cutting edge content. Looking at those other sites’ best-of lists makes me realize there’s no accounting for good taste. Some of these recommendations look like they’ve been put together by AI. But not here, dear readers. We’re flesh and bone. We hurt and we bleed, and we...

Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Spotlight: Czarmageddon!

WHO: Czarface WHAT: Czarmageddon! WHY: Czarface is on a run of making unfuckwithable records, and I’m not saying that because they’re local boys. I have not heard a Czarface album that wasn’t smart, witty, and full of craftsmanship. Their newest Czarmageddon! is no different. It follows the path you would expect, like tight flow, interesting beats, brevity (as in no-filler), and even throws in some curveballs like the agro punk “Big Em Up.” Hip Hop is alive and well with...

Sunday, 07 August 2022
Vinyl Vlog 542

Czarface & MF DoomSuper What? photo: turntablelab It’s a funny thing when it hits you that an album you’ve been enjoying is your favorite album of the year. The only way I can describe it is that the world stops for you when you put it on. That’s when you know you’re onto something special – that an album means a lot to you. Unexpectedly, that was the Czarface & MF Doom collaboration Super What? The world is a sadder...

Thursday, 24 February 2022
Ground Control Year in Review 2021

Hello, dear reader. We thought we were out of the woods with this whole pandemic thing, huh? Looks like we have to hunker down for a while longer. We’re prouder than ever this year to bring you our take on the best this year had to offer. We’d like to consider ourselves mostly a music site, but there were some undeniably great movies and TV shows as well. Lists like these are all over the internet, but remember that, as...

Thursday, 30 December 2021
SPOTLIGHT: Super What?

WHO: Czarface & MF DOOM WHAT: Super What? WHY: I don’ think there’s a supergroup quite like Czarface and MF DOOM. Maybe the greatest and most underrated MC of all time unfortunately passed away last year (or did he?) and the only good that can come of it is that people would start appreciating his work more. His last collab with Czarface, released posthumously, is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it’s some of the most interesting...

Monday, 07 June 2021
Vinyl Vlog 431

CzarfaceThe Odds Czar Against Us Sometimes, as a music fan, things happen that can only be described as magic. We’re going through a vinyl revolution (or a vinyl bubble, depending on how you want to look at it), but we’re not going through a record store revolution. People are glad they can collect just about everything on vinyl (even the Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack on llama color), but they’re not very interested in visiting their local record store. I would know,...

Thursday, 23 July 2020