corporate rock sucks

Ground Control Magazine Year in Review 2022

Bam! We’re doing it again, dear readers. Things got off to a scary start this year, because honestly, the good albums weren’t coming. But what a cruel trick this year played on us, as all the good stuff was back-ended in 2022. Too many good albums to absorb too late in the year (I’m looking at YOU, White Lung!). But as always, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better year-end review. All the best albums, movies, and TV shows are...

Wednesday, 21 December 2022
I Wanna Be Literated #257

Corporate Rock Sucks: The Rise and Fall of SST Recordsby Jim Ruland I’m going to start calling Jim Ruland “Jim Rules-and” or “Jim Rules Land.” By the time I came to punk rock  in the late 90s (and it really is a calling), SST was already going “dormant.” It a took a few years of dedication to realize I had to go back to the source to truly understand modern music and that inevitably led me to SST Records. But,...

Friday, 03 June 2022