XetasThe Cypher How does one begin to describe Xetas? “Powerful,” that’s how. But also sinister, relentless, and exciting. Xetas came to my attention by pure chance. A chance I love to take with 12XU records. More and more they are becoming my primary source for new music exposure. That goes for you as well, dear reader. Their previous album made such an impression that we were waiting for its follow-up (and maybe the last album ever from the band?) with...
Xetas The Tower How does one begin to describe Xetas? “Powerful,” that’s how. But also sinister, relentless, and exciting. Xetas came to my attention by pure chance. A chance I love to take with 12XU records. More and more they are becoming my primary source for new music exposure. That goes for you as well, dear reader. Listening to the Tower it’s evident that Xetas are not interested in wasting anyone’s time. Yours or their, for that matter. Legend has...
Obnox Niggative Approach Finding new music can be a daunting thing. There’s so much of it and most of it is bad. And, conventional news outlets are either snobby or just flat-out-wrong (not us, of course). So if you want to be exposed to good new music, there’ a few things you can do. First, always take the advice of friends. Second, stick to a magazine that caters to your sensibilities. Third, dip into the releases of a label you...
Empty Markets Stainless Steel Albums like the Empty Markets’ Stainless Steel are one of the reasons it’s great writing for Ground Control. You see, we are definitely music snobs over here so we know exactly what’s going to float our boat… except when we don’t. It’s easy to pick favorites and trust the bands and labels that have proven themselves to us and that have passed a certain quality control, but that means we sometimes we miss the good stuff....
OBN III’s Worth a Lot of Money My relationship with the OBNII’s is complicated. I saw them open for Ex-Cult in Boston several years ago, and I’ll be damned if they didn’t steal the show. With a sound that I can only describe as Led Zeppelin-fueled garage rock, the OBNII’s looked and sounded like a bunch of homeless hooligans with nothing to lose. In other words, I had to get their albums immediately. Unfortunately, such a wild sound proved a...