There are some things that bands do in the span of their careers that – no matter how you look at it – are simply beyond comprehension. If one looks at it objectively, it happens all the time; outside of the current deluge of major label acts recently...
Have you ever had one of those moments where you have no choice butt to simply stop, stare and marvel at your luck? An example would be driving late on an icy winter night, losing control of your car and doing a 720-degree spin across three lanes of highway only to...
Before a packed house at the most famous venue in San Francisco and in front of a backdrop bearing his band’s grammatically incorrect moniker, Kele Okereke felt the need to say, “We are Bloc Party,” Maybe he didn’t want anyone to be confused?...
O, the third record from Tilly and the Wall, is a throwback to the stomp-along indie rock girl groups of the late '90s and early 2000s. Evoking early Le Tigre, “Cold Cold Water”-era Mirah, and Tracy + The Plastics singles with its girl-girl harmonies,...
To quote Magnum P.I., “I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right…” other than the obvious point that this is a collection of covers, there’s something incredibly familiar about the material that comprises Have Another Ball. To...
When I’m forced to watch American Idol, it is always remarkable how simple finding “it” really is. By the time episode three or four rolls around, it’s evident who belongs and who doesn’t. While most singers make you feel some sense of...
Ratatat is one of those groups you won’t ever fully appreciate until you experience them at noise deafening levels. Their sound has so much going on with it that listening to one of their albums at a comfortable volume is a little like having protected sex with a...
Ratatat is one of those groups you won’t ever fully appreciate until you experience them at noise deafening levels. Their sound has so much going on with it that listening to one of their albums at a comfortable volume is a little like having protected sex with a...
Ratatat is one of those groups you won’t ever fully appreciate until you experience them at noise deafening levels. Their sound has so much going on with it that listening to one of their albums at a comfortable volume is a little like having protected sex with a...
I arrived at the Fillmore Monday night to see Omaha’s The Faint along with what appeared to be a hairstylist convention for the hip and tragically ironic. This is my first time seeing the band but I’ve been a fan of their lo-fi electro-angular guitar sound...