You may have noticed a change lately; things haven't seemed quite the same. When you go to the mall, there seems to be a new profusion of brightly-colored decorations hanging up. Down on the street, bells seem to be chiming more regularly than usual, and the...
Epitaph Records is thrilled to announce the signing of Skip The Foreplay. Known for their distinct musical style, which mashes up elements of dubstep and house with pop and metal-core, the ground-breaking Montreal – based band has been electrifying...
Hey Junky – I'm baa-aack, I know I was a little late las' week junky, so inna spirit o' da season, I thought I'd come right back an' unload a bunch more SWAG on ya! It's really da mos' wondaful time o' da year – if yer a big...
Fate has never been a mistress that it's wise to put a lot of faith in. She has too many flaws to ever be considered reliable; fate is fickle, often late and regularly gives those who pin some hope in her only what they need instead of what they want. Fate can be...
No one ever realizes how much music Saul “Slash” Hudson has made until a set like Made In Stoke comes out. The image of Slash as the top hat-wearing guitar god of Guns N' Roses is the one permanently emblazoned on the mind's eye of most, but...
Happy Christma-Kwanz-hanukah Junky,…Or whateva ya celebrate. It'sat time o' da year anna big day's only gettin' closer so, I figure, what kinda deala would I be f'I didn' show ya some kindness wit'a great big bag o' SWAG –...
How nice of R.E.M. to give us this career spanning collection immediately after they announce their break-up. It gives us a chance to assess their body of work as a whole, and trace the growth and development of their sound. As much as many fans may say otherwise, this...
Quadrophenia is always described as The Who’s second rock opera, but I have always thought of it more as a rock novel. Why a novel? First, it just feels more like a novel than an opera. Its scope, its characters, its focus all feel novelistic. When I break it...
Yuck's self-titled debut proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that all artistic trends in pop music are cyclical in nature. The proof of that can be seen pretty clearly if one stands back and looks at the shapes guitar-driven rock has taken over the last twenty-five...
If you pride yourself in being a Nickelback fan, go ahead and pick up their latest album, Here and Now. You'll find that it's pretty much on par with anything they've offered in the past, and you should enjoy it. Feel free to stop reading now if this is the...