After the ball dropped last night, it didn't take long for people to start making promises and resolutions to change their behavior in 2012. Most people usually resolve to change the way they eat, change the way they do business, quit smoking, quit drinking or quit...
The funny thing about any band's “glorious return to active duty” is that, after the initial shock and joy subsides, that's when the real work starts; that's when people start to look past the initial frenzy and excitement of a legendary band...
Hey Junky! Awright, so I figured on awready bein' gone south fer a vacay, but I hadda swing through ta give ya somethin' ta listen to fer new year's didn' I? 'At's da kinda guy I am – soakin' up the rays, watchin' alla sun-soaked...
Happy Boxing Day – or welcome to the day after the explosion, if you like. How was your holiday? Was it big and grand and bright and shiny and noisy and wonderful? We at Ground Control hope so. Now, the glow of the holidays is beginning to fade right? Well, not...
Heya junky,Merry Christmas! I can't stay long, I gotta plane ta catch (I'm headin' south ta da Dominican Republic fer Christmas! Anybody know a good bar downn'ere?) — but I wanted ta lay yer las' holiday bag o' SWAG on ya before I go....
Attention shoppers: time for holiday shopping is running short – have you finished yet?You know you can hear that announcement running through your mind as you read this, but that's okay, shopper. You're not the only one running frantically around the...
Over the years, lots of jokes have been made at Ozzy Osbourne's expense, but it's sort of understandable because so many things the singer has done are unbelievable. This is a man who has gone no fewer than forty–two rounds with professional rock n'...
Okay, so, with installment One of Ground Control's gift guide coverage on the books, readers may have picked up a few ideas. We tried to get a bit in for everyone, but of course there are going to be a couple of people still wandering the malls and the internets...
Before Brooklyn was to the early Millennium what Seattle was to the Nineties, before the machine pumped out tonnes of boring synth-pop bands and before the broad concept of “hipsterism” was a going concern, there was a small group of bands doing great...
Now with their Bastards Of Reality tour as Bat Sabbath beginning to wind to a close, the Cancer Bats are finally ready to announce the first details for the follow-up to 2010's Bears, Mayors, Scraps and Bones LP: their fourth album will be called Dead Set On...