
The SWAG Report 93

Wednesday, 01 February 2012

Awright Junky,

Yeahyeahyeah, I know whatcher thinkin'. My bag o' SWAG is a little lighta dis week right? Yeah, I heardja, but ya know what? What I missed out in quantity, I made up for in quality – le's get inta da SWAG Report.

Once agin dis week, I nabbed a tune dat both ol' fi' dollar Billy an' me c'n agree on, annit's da las' one onn'is list, so le's start d'ere. I nabbed da secon' song onna new Useless I.D. rekkid, called "Before It Kills" I nabbed dis tune thinking I was bein' invaded! Dis band is from Israel, ann'ey're packin' some o' da bes' chops I heard outta a punk band in years! I'm bettin' you c'n expect big t'ings from dis band junky, so do yerself a favor an' grab dis song firs'so ya kin have a clue.

Afta ya got dat, go chase down da tune I got 'ere from dis band called OoOO called "No Way Back." I's weird man, I dunno how else ta say it, butcher gonna get hooked onnit, I kin guarantee ya dat. Same t'ing goes fer da new Cursive song inn'ere; I ain't bin able ta get enoughofit, an' I'm bettin' ya won't be able to either.

Ya know what? I can't belive I jus' said dat! Da list might be shorta dis week, but grabb'em all junky, cuz ther all good, bitch! Ther all real different, but difference is da spice o' life right? D'ese songs'll put hair on yer ches' dat's fer shoor!

Love & sloppy kisses,
yr. Ever-lovin' Don Loder.

Asteroids Galaxy Tour – "Heart Attack (Cosmic Kids Mix)"

Big Baby Gandhi – "Hi, It's Me Baby"

Big Sir – "The Kindest Hour"

Bonesetters – "Maypole"

Busdriver – "Bon Bon Fire"

Conveyor – "Mukraker"

Copywrite – "Rest In Power"

Cursive – "Wowowow"

Escort – "Love In Indigo"

Horse's Mouth – "As I Climb"

Lia Ices – "Wish You Were Here"

Low Roar – "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight"

Nneka – "My Home (remix)"

OoOO – "No Way Back (featuring Butterclock"

Real Estate – "Easy"

Real Estate – "Suburban Beverage"

Shigeto – "Huron River Drive"

Shigeto – "Lineage"

The Forty Nineteens – "Turn It Around"

Useless I.D. – "Before It Kills"

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