Awrightchu bustas,So I guess youse know what's comin' doncha? No, not Christmas junkie – Christ… well i's good ta know that at leascha c'n think o' two things at once – no. I's comin' up inna numbas when ol' fi'...
Anyone who thinks playing in a touring band isn’t actual work is wrong, but standing quietly watching Beach House perform their meditative swoon, it would seem they have the most relaxing job in music today. One of burgeoning dream-pop scene's...
No matter how much noise (read: promotional salesmanship) gets generated behind the making f a new album by a controversial artist, eventually one has to ask is that album justifies the hype which surrounds it. Is it really possible that this newest release is the...
Wow. I just finished listening to Grey Kingdom's newest album, Light, I'll Call Your Name Out “Darkness,” from top to bottom and I couldn't move the whole time. It's worth mentioning that I didn't write a word of this review during that...
Sice the first demise of the Velvet Underground – when all the band members went their separate ways – it has just been taken as a given that Lou Reed would always be the most successful solo performer. It seemed logical for Reed to still be up front; his...
On “Driftin’ Back,” the opening number on Psychedelic Pill, Neil Young and Crazy Horse don’t fuck around. They get right down to business. The business of, well, fucking around. For twenty-seven minutes. And that should tell you whether...
Once upon a time there was a little album called The Who Live at Leeds. Merely six songs long, that was still enough for it to be rated one of the best live albums ever. If not THE best, depending on the circle with which you ran. Those six songs captured The Who at...
Ever heard a record and known exactly where it's coming from, but you find that you're still surprised by the result because it ends up delivering something a little different from what you expected? The experience of listening to Rapido's debut album,...
Now sixteen years after the last time Soundgarden entered the recording studio to make a new LP, there had to have been a moment when everyone needed to try and actively remember how they used to work together. How could there not have been? When Soundgarden folded up...
No matter what may have happened before the final stroke was delivered – no matter how close to the brink of just ripping each other's lungs out the individual members might have been in the twilight of their career – every band hope to deliver one last...