
Wild Flag – [Live]

Saturday, 07 April 2012

Curse you, the Wild Flags! Of course you will live in the shadow of Sleater-Kinney for your entire existence. Fans have all accepted that and sort of understand that the band has come to terms with it too, but what positively irks me is that Wild Flag released a damned fine album last year – which  didn’t quite sink in until just a couple of months ago. Must you write such subtly complex music that it takes such attention to appreciate? Moreover, how do such melodic intricacies hold up in a live setting? Allow me to address this:

  1. Part of the problem with indie rock these days is that it either performs honest music with ironic intentions (I am castigating all of the chill wave for this, yes), or that it’s just too damn fragile. Somewhere along the way, indie rock lost the “rock” and we were left with a singer/songwriter picking away at a ukulele at a campfire site. This is exactly why Wild Flag is important; they're singlehandedly shoving the rock-ness down our throats, stripped down and devoid of all the tedious cuteness which is so prevalent nowadays.
  2. It’s annoying that it took me so long to appreciate this band, because there’s a plethora of nuances and detail in their self-titled debut. So, I’m damn near furious that they make the songs look so easy live, but I’m not surprised. Let’s face it; with Carrie Brownstein and Janet Weiss, you have more than enough juice to carry a band with sheer blood and sweat. So is it any surprise that Wild Flag can bring it to such an extent in a live setting?
  3. Pay attention! It’s clear that this band can’t play an hour-long set at this point in their career without throwing in some “placeholder” covers. This is the part where all the homework you’ve done in the past pays off. In Boston, we were treated to interpretations of Television’s “See No Evil” and Fugazi’s “Margin Walker” which were flawlessly orchestrated. Lord knows what songs are in store for your city when Wild Flag passes through. While you’re there too (and why – oh, why – wouldn't you be there for this band?!), stick around after the show and chat with Janet Weiss; she’ll grab you an unsigned copy of their vinyl from the van and express her love. Be sure to return the favor.

In other words, you don’t really have an excuse. You should be catching Wild Flag when they come to your town and at least follow them on the road for the next show. You don’t just owe it to yourself. You owe it to music in general.



Wild Flag's tour continues. Click here for a list of upcoming shows.


Wild Flag
is out now. Buy it here on Amazon.

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