Vinyl Vlog 168

Vinyl Vlog 168

Friday, 14 October 2016


Thee Oh Sees



Our Thee Oh Sees coverage ends with a special entry. I remember when I heard that Thee Oh Sees were breaking up. An incredible workhorse of a band like this one just calling it quits like that? Did leader John Dwyer just burn out from putting out more than one album a year? How can someone’s creative juices just stop flowing?


Well the hiatus lasted 4 months and everyone both rolled their eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. A band like this has its pace completely overclocked so think about is this way: Thee Oh Sees do what other bands do in a third of the time. A four month hiatus for them actually lasted a year in real-time.


But return they did and with a seriously groovy sound. From the get-go Drop sounds heavier and fuzzier than anything else. Maybe Ty Segall’s side projects have rubbed onto Dwyer? Drop definitely sounds sloppy, but from a band that is jamming on the same frequency. Are they trying to creep upon us with Savage Victory just to later get Baroque on our asses with King’s Nose? Put Some Reverb on My Brother’s verse/chorus “I can’t see you/You can’t see me”  sounds like could have been written in 5 minutes but in a way no other band can pull off. On Drop, Dwyer makes it clear that Thee Oh Sees are an entity as versatile as they are focused. And just when we thought they’ve reached a recognizable form, they manage to surprise us.


Our world might not be able to revolve around its axis without Thee Oh Sees, but seeing as outer space is their goal, we might need to figure that out soon. What a comeback!


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