
Vinyl Vlog 002

Sunday, 11 November 2012

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written one of these, but hopefully things are about to change. And by that I don’t think things will change at all. Witness the second edition of the Vinyl Vlog where we review both the vinyl package and the music within the grooves of Cat Power's Sun – one of this year’s hottest* records.

Cat Power’s new album Sun is a great comeback for the blog because it does everything a Vinyl Vlog like this likes to highlight.

If you’ve read my review of the Cat Power show some weeks ago, you might have picked up that I’m not exactly the most fit to review a new Cat Power record because, honestly, I don’t “get” old Cat Power (I have a cat named Cat Power, yes, but that’s strictly by chance). You Are Free bored me to tears but, to everyone's surprise, The Greatest actually blew me away when I first heard it. I actually put it on a couple of months ago and I still think it’s a pretty fantastic record.

So, here we are six years later with a new album, finally. I’m glad to say that Sun picks up exactly where The Greatest left off. While The Greatest had a more upbeat and stripped down minimalist sound to it (actually done right), Sun is basically a more refined and more experimental approach to the same format. The songs sound a bit constricting and synthetic, but the overall execution works well. Also, there happens to be quite a bit of variety in this album, and the highlights peppered throughout constantly draw a listener's attention to the album’s progression (such as “Ruin,” “Manhattan,” and “Peace and Love”). There’s even a near ten-minute closer which actually manages to be a pleasant highlight to the album. So, there you have it. Cat Power comes back, and manages to not only impress, but also progress with this new collection of songs.

This leaves us with the packaging of the deluxe edition of the vinyl. Let me tell you, knowing that Matador was in charge of this, I knew I didn’t have much to worry about, but let’s review what we got here, shall we? First off, the record has beautiful alternate artwork, which I think is leaps and bounds better than the standard package. Full of Egyptian hieroglyphics in gold foil embossed over the beautiful black and detailed throughout the sleeves, it makes for a substantially classy way to package the album. But, that’s not all. Those who purchase this deluxe set also get the record on double clear vinyl (point), a bonus clear 7” with b-sides (point), a download coupon which includes the bonus tracks (pointy point) and all priced at $23 (and still available at her shows). Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you do a vinyl release. No holds barred and no bullshit. Truly, a perfect version to own one of the best records out this year.

*hotness +/- one opinionated blogger’s opinion.



Cat Power recently confirmed new shows happening in 2013. Click here for an updated list of shows.

Further Reading:

Ground Control –
Cat Power – House Of Blues – Boston, MA – [Live]

Ground Control – Cat Power – Sun[Album review] 


Sun is out now. Buy it here on Amazon .

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