
Verbally Viewing Various Videos (Q-V) – Vol. 5

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Children of Earth, I have another video for you. Yes, it’s true that I try my damnedest to make sure I get you a relatively new video, and something so off the wall you crap your pants. Today will be no exception. I bring you Saul Williams and (what appears to be) his newest video: “Convict Colony.”

If you don’t know Saul, you should know that he wins the loony prize for all of the artists we’ve covered so far on VVVV. Saul is originally known for being a poet. Not just any poet, but an Open Mic Grand Slam Champion poet from New York City. Saul isn’t just a street-corner performer. This is a master’s educated and talented individual. If you ever saw the movie Slam, you know exactly who Saul is. In any case, let’s become victoriously vaccinated in watching this video.

Question One. Is the music video 99% stuff other than the artist's head? Saul, Saul, Saul. Rule one, homie! It’s a no go on the point, as it is Saul multiplied by one thousand. Saul as and old schooler, replica’s of Saul, Saul as the ground, Saul as a space ship (I think), Saul as the other Saul, and of course Saul. I should give him quite a few negative points, but I happen to like the insanity that this video offers. Zero points.

Question Two. Is the cinematography pure awesomeness? Yes. This phantasm of visual hypnosis was only last done in the LSD age of the 1960s. I love that he brought it back with style. I also like that he had himself be the other actors in the video, besides the girl, which very well could be his wife, Persia White. One point!

Question Three. Is the video easy to follow? Do you know what’s goin' on? I have somewhat of an idea of what’s going on. Here is what I believe this video is about: It’s a colony, where we got crime, people wearing headphones and old school people who dislike headphones. All hell breaks loose, bombs drop and people totally get smashed on. Then a huge women shows up out of nowhere like a mom and is all like, “What the hell are you guys doing?” All the normal sized people are all like, “Oh shit! It’s the huge women! Quick act like you’re doing something.” So they act like they’re planting flowers. The huge woman sees this and helps them plant flowers. In planting the flowers they are shown enlightenment by cutting open a huge dude and crawling instead to become Buddha. So simple. One point.

Question Four. Does the theme stay consistent throughout the video? Yes sir. Saul is no fool as he presents one idea and thought throughout the video. He knows that, like a movie or a book, to present something else deters not only attention but also isn’t properly giving the attention to the original idea of why people where there in the first place. One point.

All in all this video is scary, awesome, sexy, dirty, psychedelic (things to do in life #14, use psychedelic in an article, check) and loud. Videos like this are what really keeps us on our toes to think, “Hey, am I stoned right now?”

Final score: 3 out of 4

Saul Williams – "Convict Colony"

Check the Website:

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