TV Party Tonight! 018

TV Party Tonight! 018

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


Like it or not, the Lonely Island are a comedic force and they’re here to stay. They’ve already proven their worth with the indie comedy masterpiece Hot Rod years ago and have been churning out the good stuff ever since. It makes perfect sense when your troupe is made up of gifted writers, an editor, a director, and a veritable comedic celebrity. It also doesn’t hurt that the Lonely Island is completely in love with pop culture. It’s this Voltron-like robot that’s needed to deliver a movie like Popstar, which parodies the insanity that’s involved with being a mega-celebrity pop star these days.

The Lonely Planet have never been more in their element as they seem to be completely hardwired to the circuitry of contemporary pop music. They understand the controversy, the ego, the drama, the spectacle and most importantly, the music itself. The results are scaringly accurate and very fucking funny. With such a solid foundation is there any doubt that Popstar turned out to be one of the best movies of the year?

And we gotta talk about this package. Not only does Popstar come in a dual DVD/Blu-ray bundle, it’s also loaded with extras. These include over 30 minutes of bonus footage that was cut from the movie, outtakes, a gag reel, additional scenes, music videos, and a full length commentary with the stars of the movie which is both informative and hilarious (Jorma literally phones it in for the entirety of the movie). It’s all a tremendous supplement to an already impressive movie. Popstar is just what the doctor ordered.


What are you waiting for, dummy!?

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