
Trent Reznor Drops Interscope

Monday, 08 October 2007

Yet another shock to the music industry came today when Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails announced that he is dropping out of the mainstream music industry, choosing rather to go it alone than to stick it through with longtime label Interscope.  Reznor made the announcement via his website saying:


"Hello everyone. I've waited a LONG time to be able to make the following announcement: as of right now Nine Inch Nails is a totally free agent, free of any recording contract with any label. I have been under recording contracts for 18 years and have watched the business radically mutate from one thing to something inherently very different and it gives me great pleasure to be able to finally have a direct relationship with the audience as I see fit and appropriate.  Look for some announcements in the near future regarding 2008.

Exciting times, indeed."

This is the second major act to announce they are dropping their labels this week alone. Could it be that this is simply a nostalgic replica of the 90’s in which everyone wants to be like Radiohead?  Or is this the underpinning of a serious change in the music industry?  Only time will tell.  But regardless, the Major Labels have got to be pretty freaked out…

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