
Thrice – [Album]

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

No matter what may have happened before the final stroke was delivered – no matter how close to the brink of just ripping each other's lungs out the individual members might have been in the twilight of their career – every band hope to deliver one last great and satisfying coup de grace for fans to remember them by when they decide to pack it in. It's always preferable to go out with a bang over a whimper, and Anthology – Thrice's live album captured during their final North American tour before going on hiatus – is a perfect example of that; here, the band just goes for broke and pours it on from note one and don't really back off until the title track closes out their set about an hour and a half later. It is a great and gratifying run through the band's catalogue (there are songs present here from every album beginning with the band's Sub City debut Identity Crisis right up through tracks from 2011's landmark Major/Minor) and a great sounding set to boot.

Consisting of twenty-four of the twenty-five most regularly played tunes on Thrice's swansong farewell tour, Anthology impresses immediately as “Yellow Belly” fades in with little introduction and just erupts with molten, angry guitar tones contrasted by fantastic, cathartic vocal melodies. These are the sounds which drew listeners to the band, and they are in perfect (and perfectly performed) shape here; it may be the end, but Thrice is clearly intent on guaranteeing that they leave an impression before they go.

…And the hits and high points just keep on coming as the band moves along. With personal favorites like “The Artist In The Ambulance,” “Silhouette,” “In Exile” and “Promises” all illuminating Disc One and “The Earth Will Shake,” the digital gobble-dee-gook of “The Messenger,” the red hot anger of “Deadbolt” and the bombast of “To Awake And Avenge The Dead” informing Disc Two triumphantly, there's no question that all the fans listening to this set will get precisely everything they could have hoped for and even more fantastic material to absorb as well. It's great; in this set, fans get a perfect portrait of who Thrice was and the pinnacle of powers they had achieved before they walked away.



is out now. Buy it here on Amazon .

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