
The SWAG Report 90

Friday, 13 January 2012

Awrightcha mooks,

Yeah, dat's right, I'm a day late, I get it – are ya shakin' junky? Didja miss me or didja jus' miss what we both know yer sniffin' for? It don' matta really, I don' plan on holdin' out on ya, i's jus' fun ta watch ya sweat a little. I gocha stuff right'ere though, so ya c'n quitcher itchin'.

Now, firs' an' foremos', I gotta tell ya about the bigges' primo gold nugget I got'ere fo' ya, dis tune by a band called Catl. I know, I know, no I didn' spell it wrong, the band did. It don't matta though, because what dis band has got takes alla da marbles, no question; one o' da few t'ings ol' fi'dollar Billy an' me c'n agree on is a love o' the original Fat Possum blues guys like R.L. Burnside, Junior Kimbrough and Asie Payton annis firs' song by Catl hass'at kinda flava – i't called called “Gold Tooth Shine” annit's fuckin' awesome junky! One hunnert percent pure azza driven snow primo – all hellfire an' brimstone an' trial an' tribulation an' shit – it's great! If you don' grab dat shit up, I don' think I wanna be doin' bizness wit'chu no more – ya get me? Afta ya go git that, THEN ya should go afta some o'dis ota dope. Like I nabbed a new tune by da Dare Dukes'at's worth lovin' an' a tune from Sons Of Bill'at'll rock yer socks off, ann'I grabbed a coupla tunes from Shigeto an' Honors English fer yer listenin' pleasure. Alla dat's wortha price of admission junky, but I got a bunch more ta fill yer needs innere too. So go forth, scroll down, an' pilfer yer weaselly black guts out awready!

Love & sloppy kisses,
yr. ever-lovin' Don Loder.

1 2 3 –
Dreamland EP

Anthony Raneri – "Sandra Partial"

Bassnectar – "Heads Up (The Glitch Mob mix)"

Brown Bird – "End Of Days"

Cage The Elephant – "In One Ear"

Catl – "Gold Tooth Shine"

Conduits – "Top Of The Hill"

Cool Runnings – "Spirit of the High"

Creep – "Animals ft. Holly Miranda (Modern Machines mix)"

Dare Dukes – "Meet You"

Expensive Looks – "Moving Visions"

Field Music – "A New Town"

Fink – "Warm Shadow (2 Meter Session)"

Honours English – "Crazay (Clean)"

Honours English – "Crazay (Dirty)"

Mirémonos – "Jagermeister"

Nephelium – "Merciless Annihilation"

Orcas – "Carrion"

Shigeto – "Huron River Drive"

Shigeto – "Lineage"

Sons Of Bill – "Santa Ana Winds"

Ty Herndon – "Stones"

Ume – "Gleam"

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