
The SWAG Report 89

Wednesday, 04 January 2012

Happy New Year ya mooks!

So how's things in yer life junky? Ya made it through the holi-daze, ya bounded ova da new year hump an' survived ta see anotha one, how da ya feel? Me? I feel great! I'm countin' tan lines from my trip downta Costa Rica an' walkin' up Avenue B, it's good ta be home!

Yeah, I know ya ben quakin' junky, an' ya I gotcher firs' annual bag o' SWAG right 'ere — I was jus' tryin' ta set a mood fo' ya.

Awright, le's get right to it then. this firs' week o' 2012, I managed ta nab more than ya might think fo' ya junky, an' a lotta it is pretty good! I swiped some new Busdriver right out from unda the emcee's nose (two tracks'ere fo' ya), an' some new Cursive, Fan-Tan, Night Genes an' High Places. 'At shit's all pretty good, but I also nabbed whole EPs an' albums by Lee Bannon, Absence, Cattle Drums an' Graham Colton, ann'ey're fuckin' great! It's early inna year, but alla dat's worth the price of admission junky. so dig in awready!

Love & sloppy kisses,
yr. ever-lovin' Don Loder.

Absence – A Better Life

Animal Heart – "Miami"

Busdriver – "Bon Bon Fire"

Busdriver – "No Blacks, No Jews, No Asians"

Cattle Drums – The Boy Kisser Sessions +3 [Album]

Cursive – "The Sun And Moon"

Dare Dukes – "Meet You"

Drowner – "Never Go Away"

Fan-Tan – "1989"

Rosstradamus – "Total Recall"

Frankie Rose – "Know Me"

Graham Colton – Pacific Coast Eyes Vol. 2 [Album]

High Places – "Year Off"

I Break Horses – "Hearts"

Lee Bannon – "Discovery"

Lee Bannon – Gnarlon Bandos Midnight Soir [Album]

Night Genes – "Cyber Me"

Onward Soldiers – "Telling Nobody"

Secret Colors – "Faust"

Sick Friend – "The Draft Dodger"

Signals Midwest – "Limnology"

TeenDaze – "Let's Groove"

WayYes – "Important"

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