
The SWAG Report 86

Friday, 16 December 2011

Izza mos' wondaful time o' da year Junky!

How're ya keepin' ova dere, ya reprobates? Thing're goin' great 'ere, 'at's fo' sure. Nothin's slowed down'is week – in spite o' da fac'dat the man wit' da red suit's onn'is way pretty soon – ann'I gotta'notha great big bag a SWAG fo' ya.

Dis week, I nabbed a new tune called "Tennessee" by dis band called High Dive annit's friggin' awesome! It sounds a little like what used ta get called 'college rock' – dat meansi'ssgot real smart lyrics an' pop melodies, anna more drugged out tune from Fujiya & Miyagi called "Ecstatic Dancer. Those two're great! Real good pop is like good tar heroin – almos' a contradiction in terms, but it happens sometimes.

On toppa dat, I scammed a tonne o' full length albums by OMNI that I tossed innere fo' ya, a whole buncha Christmas music from da fine folks at XO PR, a new, "highly anticipated" song from the "highly anticipated" new album by The Weeknd (song's called "Birthday Suit"), a coupla new tunes by Run Dan Run, Talib Kweli, Rose Cousins an' Savoir Adore, anna buncha otha stuff too. The well ain't quite run dry fo' da year yet junky, enjoy!

Love & sloppy kisses,
yr. ever-lovin' Don Loder.

Agesandages – "No Nostalgia"

Asher Roth – "Choices"

Barry Adamson – "Destination (Mush mix)"

Brent Amaker – "A Very Brent Amaker Christmas"

Cut Copy – "Sun God (Andrew Weatherall mix)"

Fujiya & Miyagi – "Ecstatic Dancer"

High Dive – "Tennessee"

Toddla T. – "Inna Di Dancehall (Count of Monte Cristal and Sinden mix)"

Jason Urick – "The Crying Song"

Matthew Friedberger – "A Sensational Caprice"

Matthew Friedberger – "One"

Nneka – "My Home"

OMNI – Ballyhoo

OMNI – Batterie

OMNI – Burgundy Brown

OMNI – Funkdafied Freddy


Rose Cousins – "The Darkness"

Run Dan Run – "Box Type Love"

Run Dan Run – "Lovesick Animal"

Savoir Adore – "Dreamers (Lightwaves mix)"

Talib Kweli – "Distractions"

The Weeknd – "Birthday Suit"

Umpire – "Supply Chains"

Wale – "Barry Sanders"

Various Artists – XO For The Holidays Volume 4

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