
The SWAG Report 143

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

'Ey youse,

Yeah “HEY YOUSE” junky, don' act like ya din't see me! I ben lookin' yer youse! What's yer story lately huh? I ain't seen youse nowhere junky, are you straighnin' out on me? You betta not be….

Well, I got some stuff fer youse dis week, and while the package ain't big, it's fulla really, really primo dope. Firs', I nabbeda newest tune I could find by Dinosaur Bones an' put it innere. Dis tune is hands down betta than anything da band's eva done before junky, I'm tellin' youse! The guitars are all about texture, the rhythm section c'n take ya by force an' singa Ben Fox's got a voice'at'll make a believa outta ya, fer shoor! It's friggin' great junky, but that's not all – I nabbed the firs' new Pixies tune recorded in ova a decade fer youse! I know it's fondofa pain cause whatsername left the band and nobody knows what's gonna happen now, but dis new tune is totally great – absolutely worth the wait.

Otherthinthat, I nabbed a new tune by da Leftover Cuties fer youse that is definitely worth a shake, a good new tune by The New Lows, a thole EP by He's My Brother She's My Sister anna new tune by Reverse The Curse anna buncha otha stuff. It's all really good ya discernin' junky – definitely makes up fer quantity wit' quality.

Love an' sloppy kisses,
yr. ever-lovin Don Loder.

Acquaintances – “Skin” – [mp3]

Closetalker – “The West Was Won” – [mp3]

Dinosaur Bones – “Sleepsick” – [mp3]

Grumbling Fur – “Protogenesis” – [mp3]

He's My Brother, She's My Sister – Let It Live Free[EP]

Jonny Rodgers – “O Love, Let's Renew Our Vows” – [mp3]

Leftover Cuties – “What's The Matter?” – [mp3]

Mister Suit – “Can't Be Found” – [mp3]

Pixies – “Bagboy” – [mp3]

Reverse The Curse – “Carer” – [mp3]

Stone Titan – “Scratch N' Sniff” – [mp3]

Tango In The Attic – “Easybones” – [mp3]

The End Of America – “Shakey” – [mp3]

The New Lows – “Missive” – [mp3]

Titles – “Be Not Afraid” – [mp3]

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