
The SWAG Report 104

Wednesday, 02 May 2012

Awright, fall in ya worthless junkies an' thieves,

How ya keepin' out'ere, ya SWAG-gers (a new nickname fer you junkies? I'm tryin' it out)? How's life where you are? Gettin' a little shaky mebbe?Well, guess what? I gotcher cure right'ere! I big bag o' new SWAG thit'll cure all yer ills.

No bullshit, le's get inta it. Dis week, I took a coupla artists ta da cleaners, an' got some prino stuff fer you too. Like, I nabbed jus' a ton o' stuff by dis band called Cookies – a ton! Annit's all primo! Ther a little poppy an' sweet, ann'ey wear it pretty well; I grabbed a bunch, go check it out.

I also scoredthree tunes by dis guy called Bobby Conn. When I firs' heard'is name, I wis interested, but it got even betta when I head'im! He's totally poppy, but totally addictive; I liked'im so much, I told ol' fi'dollar Billy ta mae one o' those songs his streamin' track fer this week's column.

I snatched a tune from My Morning Jacket's new live album fo' ya. The reckid's not out yet, so I figgered yu'd thank me fer this one, ya mooks, cuz I hadda go ta some trouble ta geddit. Go go gedditcherself junky, an' while yer at it, help yerself ta some other stuff too; it's all free, an' some of it's pretty awesome!

Love & sloppy kisses,
yr. ever-lovin' Don Loder

Anna Ternheim – "Walking Aimlessly"

Bobby Conn – "Macaroni"

Bobby Conn – "More Than You Need"

Bobby Conn – "Underground VKTM"

Charlene Kaye – "Hummingbird Heart"

Cookies – "Boycrazy"

Cookies – "Crybaby"

Cookies – "Summer Jam"

Cookies – "Wilderness Tips"

Debo Band – "Asha Gedawo"

Dot Hacker – "Order / Disorder"

Emily Jane White – "Black Silk"

Emily Jane White – "Requiem Waltz"

Estrogen Highs – "I Wanna Be Tall"

Hollows – "V Is For Vulture"

Jeans Wilder – "Limeade"

Limblifter – "Cellophane (2012 remaster)"

My Morning Jacket – "Wonderful (Live)"

Scout – "Best For Last (remix)"

Scout – "Under Attack, Have I Said Enough"

Sean Bones – "Hit Me Up"

Siddhartha – "Diamond Dust"

Siddhartha – "Sometimes You Get So Alone It Just Makes Sense"

Sophie Auster – "Wicked World"

Soso – "I Never Thought You'd Come In Summer"

The Maccabees – "Go"

The Suckers – "Turn On The Sunshine"

Twin Shadow – "Five Seconds"

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