
The Martini Bros – [Album]

Friday, 05 September 2008

Dirty? Sure. Straight up? I believe they call it neat. James Bond wanted his shaken, not stirred. I like my mine family style. Give me a Martini Bros on the track and I’ll be good to do whatever needs to be done for the night. This duo consisting of DJ Cle and Mike Vamp create some dark vocal electronica music with the heart of Berlin. The MB Factor is one album everyone is sure to need for that dark drinking party they tend to have at least once in a lifetime. Each track moves without transitional issues and contains its own style and life to grasp anyone around. If “Love the Machine” is not the way you like your drink, maybe you will want to “Funk U Up!” Normally there is a distinction in music for alpha-like individuals in music, but with the Martini Bros each artist blends in perfectly with each other to create one solid track after another.

If you don’t know the Martini Bros by name you may know them by their remixes. They have artistically rejuvenated many songs, which have been absorbed by other musicians. Tiga featured the Martini Bros on his album DJ-Kicks:Tiga. The style and class that the Martini Bros carry has the ability to blend in the best wine bar, a hoppin' dance floor or a lonesome living room on a Sunday afternoon. Both DJ Cle and Mike have been in the music scene for almost ten years. They first started with the duo name in 1998 with the Single “Material Love” with a label they haven’t been with since (Raw Elements). Following the LP, they have been putting out music with Poker Flat Recordings and still do with their new album. The MB Factor is only the second full length they have put out to the public.

Finding people that truly love music and make it is hard to find. These boys inhibit this quality to perfection. This can be seen in their live shows, where one will leave the tables to go dance to their own music on stage in front of the crowd. Not only that, but they will do vocal portions live, which is rare to find in the electronic music genre.


The MB Factor is out now on Poker Flat. Buy it here!

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