
The Eels Come Back For Another Round.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

The surest way to disrupt a comfort zone is to bombard it with outside stimuli and, clearly over the last year or so, that has been precisely the plan for Mark Oliver Everett and the Eels. Following a four-year absence from recording after the release of Blinking Lights And Other Revelations, Everett broke the silence and released Hombre Lobo on June 2, 2009. Fans were in fits of ecstasy at the return and Hombre Lobo was received very well by critics (with the exception of Pitchfork Media, who issued a rating of 4.6 to the album), but everyone's jaw dropped when it was announced that End Times – the Eels' second album in twelve months – would be released in January 2010; less than twelve months after Hombre Lobo.

The reception of End Times was even more positive than it was for Hombre Lobo. Some critics even said that End Times was the best album released so far in 2010 – but they may have to try and come up with even higher praise when the Eels' third album in eighteen months, Tomorrow Morning, comes out on August 24, 2010. In a release sent out by the band's official web site:

"EELS are set to release a new album entitled TOMORROW MORNING August 24, 2010 and embark on a world tour August 3. EELS leader Mark Oliver Everett, aka E calls the 14 track album the final installment of a trilogy that began with HOMBRE LOBO (June 2009) and END TIMES (January 2010). Following a four year absence, TOMORROW MORNING will be the third new EELS album in a little over a year and a half and will be released on the EELS' E Works Records label. The world tour starts in Santa Ana, California, hitting Japan, Australia, Europe, United States and Canada. It will be the first time EELS have performed live since the release of HOMBRE LOBO, END TIMES and the new album."

Stay tuned to Ground Control for more information on the release of Tomorrow Morning as it arrises!



Eels' upcoming world tour dates.

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