
The Best ‘Knot News’ Story All Day

Friday, 01 April 2011

In the single greatest, most bizarre news story to break all day, Hanson – yes, the MmmBop-ping band of brothers – have taken a page from the likes of Tom Jones and Paul Anka and are currently in the process of putting together an album comprised of metal covers. That would be shocking enough for some, but what Hanson is doing goes one step further – for this forthcoming album, Hanson is focusing its attention on covering the work of Slipknot.  Direct from the press release:

Several days ago, a mysterious video surfaced on the internet showing Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson in a hotel room, playing "Wait and Bleed," the lead single from Slipknot's self-titled 1999 debut. Though the brothers initially declined to comment on the leaked video, they finally admitted that it was filmed on the road during the tour for their latest album, Shout It Out ― and that they were practising the 'Knot classic as a warm-up for their next album, which will consist entirely of Slipknot covers.

"We have always cited classic soul and rock and roll as an inspiration, but we have had long-time respect for heavy metal and bands like Slipknot who capture true angst," says drummer Zac Hanson.

"This project has been in the works for some time," says guitarist Isaac Hanson. "When we saw there was a leaked video, we thought we should at least put up something that more accurately represents the project. It's still an early version, but we're excited about it!" 

It is worth pointing out that there's no title or release date set for Hanson's Slipknot covers album at this time but, in this reporter's opinion, it could only go one of two ways: surprisingly well or excruciatingly badly. If it goes well, this album may be a most deserved coup for Hanson and finally cement the band's reputation as versatile musicians. If it goes badly though, we may find out if Hanson will play through injuries incurred onstage – like being hit in the head so hard that they're left bleeding from the eyes, ears or mouth – just as Slipknot did back in the day.



Rehearsal footage of Hanson performing Slipknot's “Wait And Bleed”

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