
The Animal Collective on Tour

Saturday, 28 April 2007

In the course of their seven year career, the Animal Collective have released some records that are absolutely stunning in their beauty and complexity, and others that are absolutely stunning in their "what the hell was that?" factor – the kind of “what the hell?” that makes you wonder if you are just a few steps away from missing something transcendant, or just two steps away from an audio car wreck. It’s crazy variance that makes for a can’t miss live show, and the AC have decided to do just that, by hitting the road this summer. Who and what will you see? Don’t ask. Sometimes you are better off just not knowing.

Tour Dates:

05/14/2007 Wexner Center, Columbus
05/15/2007 Southgate House, Newport
05/16/2007 The Dame, Lexington
05/17/2007 Metro, Chicago
05/18/2007 The Picador (formerly Gabes Oasis), Iowa City
05/19/2007 Sokol Underground, Omaha
05/20/2007 The Granada Theatre, Lawrence
05/21/2007 Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom, Denver
05/22/2007 In The Venue, Salt Lake City
05/24/2007 Launchpad, Albuquerque
05/25/2007 The Marfa Ballroom, Marfa
05/26/2007 Granada Theater, Dallas
05/27/2007 Antones, Austin
05/28/2007 Bottletree, Birmingham
05/29/2007 Bijou Theatre, Knoxville
05/30/2007 Satellite Ballroom, Charlottesville
06/01/2007 Seaport Music Festival, New York

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