
Teenage Bottlerocket & Masked Intruder

Monday, 11 March 2013

It’s hard to think of pop punk sweethearts that are hotter than Teenage Bottlerocket and Masked Intruder right now. As they are both It’s Alive Records alums that have since moved onto Fat Wreck (and found success there, might I add), it only made sense to pair them up for a tour that is, as we speak, ravaging the country. I made sure to check out the Boston date where it bears noting:

  1. Both of these bands have recently put out stellar albums that have gotten lots of attention in the punk community for good reason. Teenage Bottlerocket and Masked Intruder are probably the best and buzziest bands doing this kind of pop punk right now.

  2. There’s no denying the similarities in sound of both these bands: Ramones/Lookout! Records-era pop punk. And while both bands are clearly singing about girls, it’s Masked Intruder that adds an element of mischief to this formula — stalking all the girls they are singing about. The Intruders even carry this criminal element on stage by having Officer Branson overlook their performance on stage. It was Teenage Bottlerocket that I actually came to see, but Masked intruder the one I was most impressed with that night.

  3. But what it all comes down to is that both bands are fun, tight, and put on a very lively and inspiring show. Teenage Bottlerocket stuck mostly to their newer material (thankfully, since this is the stuff I’m familiar with), and pulled it off effortlessly. But it wouldn’t have hurt the Intruders to play my favorite song off their recent record ("Heart Shaped Guitar"), which would have made their set even more impressive. Kudos all around, either way!

So, go go go and check out the best that pop punk has to offer right now and, if you’re so inclined, stay for the Queers too.


Teenage Bottlerocket & Masked Intruder – The Church – Boston, MA – 03/03/13 – [Photos]

Tour Dates:

Masked Intruder and Teenage Bottlerocket's tour continues. Click here for a list of upcoming shows.


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