venture bros

TV Party Tonight! #129

The Venture Bros. Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart I am a Venture Bros fan. I love this show. I take my review of Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart seriously. How seriously? Let me tell you. In preparation for this movie I rewatched the entire series. One complaint of the show people have is that it has such long gaps between seasons that it’s hard to remember or follow what’s going on in a particular...

Thursday, 27 July 2023
TV Party Tonight! #71

Venture Bros: Season 7 Let’s back up a second and talk about why the Venture Brothers is arguably the best show on TV right now. First of all, because The Sopranos is over, obviously. Second, because the proof is in the pudding and the Venture Brothers is mighty tasty pudding. Watching the Venture Brothers is a delight for many reasons. Not just that Doc Hammer and Jackson Public have created a show so perfectly immersed in its world that...

Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Ground Control’s Year in Review 2018

What a year it’s been, and especially for music. The bounty has been so good that, even though we’re giving you our top 20 choices for music this year, our list could have easily extended into the top 30. But we don’t have the stamina for that. Also, these albums are all winners and even though they’re in order, this could have easily been different depending on our mood. Regardless, these are our recommendations for best music (and some movies...

Monday, 31 December 2018
TV Party Tonight! 017

Venture Bros.: The Complete Sixth Season   Let’s back up a second and talk about why the Venture Brothers is arguably the best show on TV right now. First of all, because Breaking Bad is over, obviously. Second, because the proof is in the pudding and the Venture Brothers is mighty tasty pudding. Watching the Venture Brothers is a delight for many reasons. Not just that Doc Hammer and Jackson Public have created a show so perfectly immersed in...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016