hot snakes

Ground Control’s Year in Review 2018

What a year it’s been, and especially for music. The bounty has been so good that, even though we’re giving you our top 20 choices for music this year, our list could have easily extended into the top 30. But we don’t have the stamina for that. Also, these albums are all winners and even though they’re in order, this could have easily been different depending on our mood. Regardless, these are our recommendations for best music (and some movies...

Monday, 31 December 2018
Vinyl Vlog 347

Hot Snakes Jericho Sirens Listening to this album makes me sad. Let me explain. John Reis’ career is not one that’s always appreciated. I would know, because I’ve come to it late in the game, and it’s one I’m still trying to absorb and get comfortable with. The name Drive Like Jehu gets dropped a lot in musical circles, but honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is. I’ll blame it on the fact that I’m a philistine and...

Tuesday, 11 September 2018