die spitz

Photobooth: Die Spitz live @ O’Brien’s, Allston, MA [08-05-24]
Die Spitz Live @ O’Brien’s Pub, Allston, MA [08-06-24]

Seeing a good opener can be a cathartic experience. Sometimes it’s interesting, and you check them out when you go home, but most of the time it’s forgettable. I can count on one hand when an opener has blown me away, and I don’t even need all my fingers. When I caught the last few songs of Die Spitz at an OFF! show years ago all I could think of is how loud it sounded. Then, watching them put their...

Tuesday, 06 August 2024
Ground Control Magazine’s Year in Review 2023

Bam! What a year, am I right? It certainly has been one for me. Let’s not get into it, but I’m just glad to be here, you know? Happy to be bringing you cutting edge content. Looking at those other sites’ best-of lists makes me realize there’s no accounting for good taste. Some of these recommendations look like they’ve been put together by AI. But not here, dear readers. We’re flesh and bone. We hurt and we bleed, and we...

Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Spotlight: Teeth

WHO: Die Spitz WHAT: Teeth WHY: Is this an EP or a short full length? Who knows! Those riffs, man. Those riffs! Every song on this album is absolutely brutal and full of hooks. It’s punk with a heavy lean on metal and rocks from top to bottom. There’s nothing revolutionary about what this band is doing, but they stick to what they know and they do it well. Teeth is one of the must-hear albums of the year. Those...

Thursday, 31 August 2023