complete series

TV Party Tonight! 023

Steins Gate Complete Series Do an internet search on the greatest anime series of all time and undoubtedly Steins Gate is going to pop up in your results, and rightfully so, because as far dramatic pacing, twists and turns, and sheer shit hitting the fan, this series has a lot of it. Also, it’s loaded with hard sci-fi elements of time travel, which in my book, only makes a show better. There’s a trick to watching Stein’s Gate and...

Friday, 27 January 2017
Tv Party Tonight! #022

Cowboy Bebop The Complete Series Welcome to our series of anime shows which we will be covering for the next few weeks. Whatever your opinion of the genre, the fact remains that anime (or Japanimation in general) is a fantastic medium for storytelling. In many ways the genre has been ahead of western television because it seems like anime series have always understood that you can tell a more complex story over the course of many episodes. On the...

Tuesday, 17 January 2017
TV Party Tonight! 016

Twin Peaks: The Original Series, Fire Walk With Me & The Missing Pieces blu-ray How does describe or even explain a show like Twin Peaks? It’s reputation definitely precedes it, and for good reason. Twenty five years and countless questions later we’re no closer to getting to the bottom of this show. But one thing is certain, unless you get on board early on and accept that Twin Peaks follows its own bizarre rules, you’re in for a rough ride....

Wednesday, 28 September 2016