The Dark Knight Returnsby Frank Miller There was a time when Frank Miller was the coolest. No, not the 80s. I’m talking about the mid aughts. Graphic novels began their ascension into cool and adult, the Sin City movie came out and was well received or at least unique, and Frank Miller got a black check of sorts. We all had Frank Miller fever! I had it too! That all quickly vanished when Miller was given a chance to make...
Watchmen Chapter 2 Did you think Watchmen Chapter 1 was going to be that good? Shocking, wasn’t it? Everything adapted from Alan Moore is almost doomed to fail, either because the person adapting it doesn’t understand the source (*cough* Snyder! *cough*), or because they simply arbitrarily disagree with Moore’s details of the story (*cough* Wachowskis! *cough*). So, for some bizarre, inexplicable reason, DC decided to flog a dead horse, bring us Watchmen again, but this time, faithfully adapt it....
Watchmen: Chapter 1 Sure, Alan Moore is controversial but he’s also right most of the time. Even the worst Alan Moore work is kind of good, when you think about it. Can you blame him for wanting to have SOME sort of ownership over his comics? He only turned against the adaptations of his work once it became obvious that they would never remain true to their source material. His books still get made into movies, and he’s...
Jerusalem by Alan Moore I should start this review by admitting that I am an Alan Moore fan and a very big one at that. So much so that I consider Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell required reading for anyone who cares about words on paper. The man has reached a certain status in my mind where, even though I don’t consider him infallible (Promethea didn’t exactly float my boat), I will go the extra mile and really...
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Nemo Trilogy Hardcover Slipcase by Alan Moore & Kevin O’Neill Who would have ever thought that Alan Moore would have a consistent series he would be putting out for fifteen years, and who would have thought that it would be about the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? More or less, at least. The Nemo trilogy is a spin-off of sorts, but just as smart and witty as we would expect from Moore. Centered around Janni, who is...