SPOTLIGHT: There’s a Lot of it About

SPOTLIGHT: There’s a Lot of it About

Friday, 27 September 2019


WHAT: There’s a Lot of it About

WHY: Snuff will always be one of the underappreciated bands in punk rock. A shame, because they’re the band that made Fat Wreck more than just a punk label. There was a debt and silliness to them that made them both approachable and underrated, and whenever I listened to their albums I could expect something familiar, completely different, and still find something new to discover every time. Their new album is a perfect representation of that style. It’s both varied and focused and has that certain sweetness that somehow only Snuff can pull off. This is a band that will never be fully understood and it’s best left that way. Maybe only the chosen few will ever appreciate this band. There is magic to found in these songs and it’s a thing of beauty.

Listen to it on Bandcamp.

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