SPOTLIGHT: Like You Know

SPOTLIGHT: Like You Know

Thursday, 22 July 2021

WHO: Bracket

WHAT: Like You Know

WHY: If you’re a Bracket fan, you’re either a lover of pop punk, the Fat Wreck sound, or both. Like You Know if a new old album, meaning it’s an album that was meant to be the follow-up to their stellar debut 4-Wheel Vibe that never surfaced after their label went under. Now, it’s finally here. Why wait till now, we’ll never know, but Like You Know is a time capsule both in composition and sound. It’s raw, full of riffs, and the harmonies Bracket does so well. It’s also the band pushing itself by experimenting with new instruments and sound structure. It sounds of its time for all the right reason. Like You Know is an unearthed treasure that finally gets its dues.

Take a listen.

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