
Sick Of Sarah – [Album]

Tuesday, 01 February 2011

Sick Of Sarah and everything they represent is beautiful. What the band has done on its' debut long-player, 2205, is revive the truest and most honest kind of girlie power pop (think either The Runaways or The Bangles at the beginning of their respective careers) written and performed with nothing to lose; they just go for it.

You're skeptical – I know. The Bangles and The Runaways were both dogged by the fact that they had too much money to spend at the end of their careers, so albums became overblown and over-produced and that's what everyone remembers about them. Dig back a bit though, and you'll find that everything was simpler in the early going and, with few effects on guitars and none anywhere else, that is the spirit that Sick Of Sarah taps into; just fine, unadorned pop songwriting that damns the torpedoes and will rock the pants off of listeners.

From the very beginning of “Overexposure,” listeners will be forced to take pause and absorb what Sick Of Sarah is doing as they re-introduce a long absent form of pop matter; because so much modern pop has become glutted with sugar in the 21st century, hearing a band of five girls playing instruments, singing in harmony without auto-tuning assistance and doing it with a less than perfectly sunny attitude seems like a gust of fresh air. Better still, there's power in this pop as singer/guitarist Abisha Uhl spits the song's “Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run as fast as you can/ how low can you go/you're in out of control/And, oh no, you're over-exposed” chorus and makes listeners sigh in ecstasy; those who thought (mourned) that they didn't make like pop like this anymore will dance a gleeful jig before they start a mosh pit. 2205 proves itself to not just be a “one-song stand” as tracks including “Simple Parts,” “Kick Back,” “Kiss Me” and “Cigarettes” all play to the darker side of the adolescent female psyche, but do it in such a way that each song feels more like a kiss-off than a lament. In that approach, Sick Of Sarah sets itself apart from the trouble-gum crowd (like Care Bears On Fire) and barely even bears a passing resemblance to the tripe that flows a little closer to the mainstream; it's genuine, hooky rock-pop and, in being that, both the band and its' debut album end up being a brand apart from everything else currently being force-fed down the public's collective throat, it's actually GOOD. Check 2205 out now – so you can say you were a fan from the very beginning.



Sick Of Sarah – “Overexposure” – 2205


2205 is out now. Buy it here on Amazon .

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